Sunday, November 7, 2010

change your shoes, change your life.

New boots. Can't decide if I can pull them off. What do you think? Also, got blonder hair and I am so NOT digging it.
Also, I looked a tad stoned.


  1. love the color of the boots! a little stoned or a little tired.

  2. Hot mama! Your hair is WAY cute....makes me want to go blonder too:)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. are you kidding K? please don't ever compare...

  5. I like both as well. How was date night?

  6. date night was good. I tried to sneak in a aluminum water bottle of wine... but unfortunately I told Tim ahead of time, don't ask me why, and he made me leave it at home. I complained the during the whole movie. He asked afterwards if I had fun, and I said I would have had more fun if I was sipping wine. Lame husband. I told him sometimes we need to be 26 years old, and not mom and dad. let's be bad! Next time,I am not telling that stick in the mud.
