Friday, June 24, 2011

The D Man...

All this kid ever does is make messes! Then he smiles and runs away to find a new corner to destroy! What a nut!! But we wouldn't be much without this guy. I asked him today "Where's Dada?" and he looked straight up into our loft where Tim works. I think he is brilliant. He is 10 months today and I seriously can't get over how time flies! This time last year I couldn't wait for him to come out and makes messes! Sometimes I wish I could put him pack in for a couple of hours! But for real, he is amazing. Some of his nicknames at 10 months: Gav,Gavy, Gav Gav, Gavers, G Unit, D, DD, D Unit, Deester, Dmiister, Whino, Baby love, Munchkin. I am so proud of you!!! I love you to the moon and back! Maybe even a little more....thanks for being my son.


  1. I can not stop thinking about those two little lovies coming to colorado.

  2. they are going to have so much fun at your house. I can't wait either! see you in 5 days!

  3. so sweet. look at that blondie hair!
