Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Who ordered the Poo Poo Platter?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
lil nugs of the week.
So sorry dear friends.. I haven't blogged in 5 whole days! I am really busy... ok. I am really lazy.
I will give you a coupla nuggets to get you through till the next post.
First off, I am currently eating a fatty Chipotle chicken burrito. Don't you hate it when you try to eat the thing without cutting it and it poops all outta the bottom when you are only half way there? lame.
I am all finished with Christmas shopping and wrapping. Just waiting for a few more gifts arriving soon via post man.
I have realized that wine tastes even better during the Christmas Season.
Our (Tim and I) new favorite evening pass time is working on 1000 piece puzzles. We have downgraded from cross stiching together, to doing hard puzzles together. What? No, we actually aren't 65 years old. Try 25 and 26. Yes, I realized that to some, it may be lame and may be kinda gay... BUT we actually enjoy it. It's free and innocent and we can challenge our minds while just chillin in our chones ( undies). Please note that some 2buck Chuck is ALWAYS included in our evenings.. how 'bout them apples?
All I wanted was a 5 minute shower with no one pestering me to 'play choo choo,PLAY CHOO CHOO MOM!' And since I decided to clean my body instead of 'playing choo choo', little one decides to color on every wall in our home with NON washable crayons. Why I have these crayons in my home,I know not. I think the evil house elf left them for him. Maybe Jack just wanted to do his own decorating for Christmas. No top of the line cleaners will take these precious scribbles off my yellow walls. They were the devil's crayons. Now my walls are getting a repaint. Payback is a B.
Gav just had his first bowl of baby cereal. Then he had a second. Then I realized that he may be allergic to the soy or milk traces that is in the Gerber Rice Cereal. He ate it very well the first time and not very well the second. I think he knew that it upset his body. He broke out all of his face where the rice cereal touched him and he had really green mucous-y poo. Poor guy. Then I waited for his poop to turn back to the normal, yellow, sweet smelling poo, before I tried 'baby's first apples' by Earths Best. I am going to stick now to Organic Earths Best with no additives and no soy or milk. I kid you not.. the kids loved his apples. Every time he saw the spoon coming towards him, he would rip his hands outta his mouth and open wide! He really is the most preicous thing ever. He has been rolling over and 'scooting' around the living room... it is too early to start being mobile! He is DYING to grow up to play with Jack.
I still have this damn cold.
I have a million parties to go to this Season, and NOTHING to wear. Yes, I am still chubby.
A friend of mine recently had a miscarriage at 5.5 months and I don't know what to do. How do I console? She is not a very close friend, but still a friend. This would have been her 3rd girl. The baby had some growth issues and her first 2 girls have major health problems also. It makes me oh so grateful for my 2 healthy boys. It also makes me regret complaining while being pregnant. I can only pray for her family to get through this..
On a happier note, I have meet with my Grandma who I haven't seen in 10 years. It was an amazing 2 hours. Hope to see her more often.
On a much more happier note, Christmas is in like 12 days. Hot damn I am excited to play Santa!
Monday, December 6, 2010
sleeping beauty...
Yes. I have literally been this tired lately. I fell back to sleep SO FAST, after laying down. And this was only a couple hours AFTER waking up for the day. I slept 30 minutes like this. That is Jack in the corner of the picture. He is smiling cause he snatched the Ipad outta of my sleeping hands. Thank you husband for capturing my best angles.
Please no comments on the relaxed double chin.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Santa Claaaaaaaaauss.
Take this Henrietta and Merna.
Wing is a treasure.Enjoy this sweet angel singing.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
2 years..
Happy Birthday (yesterday) to my beautiful baby boy! You are so smart and so funny. You are just like me ;) I could right a novel on how wonderful you are. Everyone that knows me, knows that you are one of the 2 most precious things in my life. Kid, you have so much spirit and life in you, that it sometimes sucks the life outta me!You're exhausting! But more fun than anyone I have ever been around.You are so courageous and kind. Gentle and temperamental. Loud and soft spoken. Fearless and adventurous. Beautiful and so so happy.
I can't even began to write how much I love you and how proud I am of you every single day. I would miss a lot of the beauty in the world, if it weren't for you. You bring color out all around me. Daddy and I love nothing more than getting you excited and watching you light up. Whether it's giving you a handful of spinkles or pooping in the toilet. You are so easy to please and that makes you so wonderful to be around.
You are so unbelievably popular. We know people in India that want to be my friend on Facebook, just to see pictures of you. No joke. We have met many a people that say," Oh, you're Jack's parents?" And you just turned 2. You are so easy to love. I am excited to see what wonderful man you will become. But in the meantime....
Thank you so much for putting up with a mom like me. I sometimes forget to stop and cherish the stages you are in. Like that you still pee on the carpet or how you still need your little 'lamby' and binky to fall asleep.
2 years went 2 fast. I will try my hardest to memorize every second from now on. I love you my little man!
"Skinamarinkadink...I love you!"
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
pretty for your bum..
I finally did it after 3 years! I reupholster my kitchen chairs. They needed it so badly! I wish I took a picture of them before I did it. So just trust me when I say, "Hideous!" They were this country blue and white floral print that were stained to the max.
I also wore down the edges with a nail filer. Yep! We didn't have any sand paper so I improvised with nail files. I don't suggest it. It was very annoying to do.
But what a fun project this was! I am pumped to do more house projects!
Friday, November 12, 2010
in a nutshell...
A little update kids...
- I have succeeded in only reading 1 book off of my "100 books in a year"list. Laaaame! I started with Madame Bovary, and I have to say.. I didn't finish it before it was due back at the library. It was sooo boring to me! I don't even want to go back and look at the list. I am dreading it now!I do want to keep on my reading, even though it is VERY difficult to find time to read. I am just going to read famous novels that interest me. Like Dracula. I have finished the first page. Maybe I can find some time tonight to read the second page.
- For the past 3 times he has needed to poop, Jack has dukied in the big toilet. He is so thrilled when he does it. He did poop a raisiny poop in the shower last night though. But in all fairness, he did warn me, and I just ignored it since he had pooped earlier that day. I guess you do poop mulitpal times in one day. Next time, I am all ears.
- I have been going to SeaFit, for the last 4 weeks, and I am kicking butt. In 2 weeks I have lost 1 inch in my waist and 1/2in. in my arms. None in my hips or thighs.. in time, in time.I am quite proud of this and am pumped to keep going even after my 12 weeks are up. I even arrive early. I NEVER arrive early to anything. I have also started running this week. I ran a hilly road for 20 minutes straight. ok... that's HUGE for me. First off, I have never been able to run non stop for that long in my life AND I haven't fun in 1 1/2 years! I felt like a goddess in the wind. Are you proud of me MEGAN??!!
- On an embarrassing note, I have had the WORST time not eating Halloween candy. Ok,... now this bad. I even bought bags of candy for Jack's piñata, so there is SO much all around the house! I started by hiding it in the closet, and that didn't work. So instead I put all of it ( except a few Reeses, for emergency.) inside of the Piñata. Ok, that didn't work either. I know! I am a pig! I punched a hole in the back and ate out most of the Reeses'!!! Don't judge, friends! I am hormonal!
I have a secret stash in my undies drawer.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
pumpkin poison??
Yes you read that title right.
Last night I was so excited to make some pumpkin muffins. I had all the ingredients! Except baking soda. So I went to my emergency closet for some. I found an old unopened box of baking soda that I got from someone a looong time ago. I should have been warned from the 70's cartoon drawings all over the box. But I was desperate and I thought,"hmm.. 1 tablespoon won't hurt. Then I will throw the rest away." And I did.
After 20 minutes in the oven, my delectable smelling pumpkin mini muffins came sweeping out of the oven and onto the counter to cool. The sweet smell of Fall wafted throughout my whole house making it such a festive night. Until I took a bite...
Before I did though, I pumped Jack up to have one. I gave him 2 in his bowl. After the first bite, I heard him cough. Then cough again.And then AGAIN. What the H? I bit down tenderly, trying to savor every morsel... then I spat it out faster than you say spat. What in the world?? The WHOLE muffin tasted of baking soda. The stupid baking soda never un-clumped! My mouth burned like I poured the box down my throat! My mouth was starting to bubble! (just kidding, but almost!) I ran and told Jack that it was yucky and to give me the other one. He said," No way Mom. These (cough) are the (cough) best darn ( cough, cough) muffins eva." I said, " your funeral."
Needless to say, he never ate that second one. I found it whole in his bowl, in his closet.
What a wimp.
I 'totally redeemed myself!' by making some very yummy mini pump. muffins tonight with some Target brand bakin soda. Delicious. Even Tim had half a mini one.
another dream home!!
this one is a track home which i didn't really want, but OMG!! how beautiful!!! and it would be cheaper than what we are paying for our condo now! crazy!!
dream house!
Found the house of my dreams!!!! 4bed;5bath. built in 1916, lots and lots of land! Ugly celings but still to DIE for! Check out all the pics!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
change your shoes, change your life.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Due Date Date Night
Going to see Due Date tonight with the other half.
No kids!!!
I will let you know how it ends.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
is this fo real?!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"You're my boy blue!"
So I never gave Gavin a proper shout out for his 2 month mark. How sad. This was the busiest week in the history of my life. I will post all about that next. First things first though. My baby.
You turned 2 months on Oct.24, and you are the sweetest thing on this planet. (Kaylin's new pup comes close). I have no idea how much you weigh since I have yet to take you to the Dr. ( new insurance stuff). But I am going to guess around 13 lbs?
You are wearing 3-6 month clothing and are much taller and I think almost chubbier than Jack at this age.
You are eating every 3 hours on the boob. I only pump when I have to leave you. Breastfeeding was quite the challenge with you, but we pushed thru and made it! Now in my book, it ranks as one of the top best feelings ever. Probably in my top 5. It is so beautiful to see you being nourished by me.
You can't keep your eyes off your mama. I think you stare at me more than your daddy did when we first met. It feels so wonderful to be loved so much by you! you smile every chance you get!
You are sleeping through the night now, about 6 hours straight then wake for food, then wake every 3 hrs. or so. You fall asleep fussing in your swing during the day. You are such a big boy!
You bat at all your hanging toys on your play mat. This is HUGE! I have a friend who's baby is a month older and pays no attention to his toys. Gavin, you are already ahead of the game, my friend.
You love your big bro oh so much! I can just see it in your eyes how much you can't wait to play trucks and play doh with the guy. And Jack loves you to pieces. Just this morning he shared his lovey,'lamby' with you without being asked. I am so so lucky to have such caring boys.
You absolutely LOVE your bath. ( Every boy loves to be naked, I guess).
You fall asleep in your car seat before we even get out of our neighborhood. LOVES the car ride.
HATES when I have to suction your nose and put some lotion on your poor dry,cradle capped head and face.
You are wearing size 2 diapers,but your butt is gettin kinda big, so we need to upgrade to a size 3.
That's about all.
I love you so so much! I really didn't think I could love again after your brother, but the moment I laid eyes on you, I found I had a whole other heart full of love just for you.
Happy 2 months, my dear boy!
Friday, October 29, 2010
tip of the week..
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I always dream of being able to speak French. What beautiful and complex language. I think I could sound lovely singing in French. I want to sing lullabies to the boys in French. I want to say sweet things to Timmy in French. I want to yell at Timmy in French. I want to speak French. I just don't want to learn it.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
pulling the plug.. the cable plug that is.

Can I just say how much I HATE that Jack has an internal alarm clock for Yo Gabba Gabba? 5 till, everyday, at 9:55am and 7:25pm it's the same routine. He grabs his binky and lamby and jumps on the couch yelling, "Mom! Gabby! show! Gabby!! MOM!!" I try to dodge him and hide in another room, but he always finds me yelling at me to turn the tube on.
Don't ask me how he knows.Does he know it's coming from the show before? -no, he doesn't watch that much t.v.He even knows it's coming when the t.v. has been off all morning. Does it know it from the position of the sun? -no, it's be raining, and he STILL knows. Does he know it's coming cause it's right around the time of his morning poop?- quite possibly.
I think there is a 'Gabba Ghost' in this house whispering in his ear the time to turn it on.
This show is why I drink.
tip of the week..
This is a Mommy Tip of the Week-
When you want an extra half hour or so of sleep, just line your child's crib with books and toys! I line them on the outskirts of the bumper so the boy won't roll into the books and toys, ouch! Gives me at least 1/2 hour longer of sleep AND he wakes up happy and educated! Do it!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
'It was a good one!"
I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while.Let me rephrase that. I haven't laughed this hard that I peed my pants, in quite a while.I'm not talkin lil tinkle, lil squirt or even a little smear. I don't know what a little smear would look like, but it's not what I had. I had the full on pee-thru-the-pants-and-all-on-the-floor kinda pee. The kind that takes over my whole body and I lose so much control that even holding myself doesn't stop the flow. I just have to go with it and clean up my shame later. Let me back track and tell the story.
ok.. it's not much of a story,as it was a scene. Jack was EXTRA wild tonight. He is sick so we didn't go outside in the super cold all day AND it was the 'witching hour'. So I let him run naked throughout the house. First Tim n J and I slid down the stairs on top of each other and in a sleeping bag over and over. Loads of fun. But it gets better.
Don't call me a horrible parent. I will call myself that. First Jack pees all over my beautiful couch.Then the boy started jumping off the couch. Getty up! I am all for it. Tire yourself out. Then I thought I would add a twist to it. Literally. I told him to jump off while spinning in the air. He spun in a couple of circles THEN jumped off. Okkkk.. Great idea! Tim and I encouraged him to spin and spin and spin and then jump off. Boy was that a hoot! He was falling off the couch before he could jump, he was falling into the wall, and jumping off and falling with his white bare hiney in the air. We laughed soo hard. He was acting drunk. How fun is it to laugh at someone when they fall. SO FUN! Keep with me now.. he wasn't getting hurt, he was laughing just as hard. aight? aight.
I guess you had to be there.. but here are a couple of pictures to give you a little idea.
notice the towel on the couch..J's pee spot.
notice Gav admiring big bro.
I just blurred out his gents here.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Good to the last drop...then open up another!
Wine. What can I say about it? It's an acquired taste, that's for sure. But a taste that EVERYONE in their right mind should acquire. I sacrificed it for my pregnancies ( except a couple of glasses), and now I am making up for the lost time. I have a half a glass a night. Well, depending on the craziness of my day, a full glass. To the rim! ( eww...rim!)
It is my 'cure all'. It cures my madness that has taken over my mind and body by 5:00pm. AND I found a new cure! For a sore throat! I don't know if it's cuz it makes me have the giggles and I am distracted by it, or if it's cuz it makes my mind tingle or my eyes fuzzy. But I really think it works (temporarily) because the sweet goodness coats my throat and numbs the tenderness. The downfall ( or the plus side), to it is that it IS only temporarily and I kept having to drink more and more.
Don't get me wrong.. I am not an alchy. I drink it too cuz it tastes so darn good and I drink when I am incredibly happy. Not just when things are crazy.
I really miss my bestie who is my winey witch. We love a good glass. OR in my case I'll take a 'bad' glass of red and dump some cranberry juice in there and then it's a good one.
That's all I have to say about wine. Just that I LOVE red wine and would LOVE to visit a vineyard sometime.

Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
you know you are a mom when..
Gav happy Jack was coming to see him in his new chair.
Olives that J threw in our cart at Target.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sooo... still no pounds lost and still no book reading.. what. a. loser.
I need to go back to the library and get a new book! AND It is really really hard to do that video everyday. I am trying to do it every other, because it is that hard to find the time.. really it is. I am doing it this morning. But I HAVE been exercising! I have been walking our lake again and running around the house, wrestling with Tim ( and winning of course). And other small things like that, that do add up. So I am not a total loser, just keeping- to- my- goals kind of loser.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
tip of the week..
Rubber band Coat hangers:
If you have too many coat hangers without the little 'hooks' on them for tank tops n such, just use rubber bands! Wrap a rubber band on the ends of a regular coat hanger, and voila! Nothing will slide off!
Ps. was trying out new backgrounds and liked this one for now. It's kinda creepy looking and it reminds me of a horror movie, so perfect for Halloween. Plus, I can't get my background back.. so yeah. Wish me luck trying to find another cute background.
Friday, October 8, 2010
SO stinkin tired today! I haven't read yet, I am going to the library this morning to get Don Quixote. But I am going out tonight with a friend to see Life As We Know It, and I am very excited. It looks adorable! I need a couple of extra shots of espresso this afternoon to get me through the movie. I will let you know how the movie is
Thursday, October 7, 2010
100 books in a year?! Wicky what??!!
As a goal to myself for the next year, I will be reading The Novel 100: The 100 Greatest Novels of All Time.
I decided to go with this link instead of TIME's version, cause there were a couple books on that list that I hated the movies they made out of them. Example.. Atonement. Hated it.
So starting today I will be reading #1 on the list :Don Quixote. Have you heard of this book before? I haven't. But all the sites that I went to, all say that this is the best novel of all time. It better not disappoint then! I barely have time to read, but I am going to try! I can read while nursing and I can strap the kiddos in the stroller and read while walking. I do that a lot. People look at me strange, I think it's a great idea! Hitting 3 birds with 1 stone! Getting kids fresh air, your walking, and reading!
Back on track... I will let you know how the book is once I am done. Hopefully in 2 weeks.
Join me if you like!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
30 day Shred..
Thanks to Megan, I am starting this video, Jillian Michaels, 30 day shred. I started it on Monday, and after the second warm up, I needed a break. Cut me some slack! I haven't done jumping jacks in a long time!
But after I forced myself to continue, I loved it! I wanted to do it again that night! But I thought that it might kill me. I want to start logging in my progress on here to keep me accountable.
So I started on Monday Oct. 4. Yesterday I didn't get a chance to do it, but Tim and I wrestled around the whole house for 20 mins. So since I missed, I am saying that I started yesterday, Oct. 5. I will do this video everyday until Nov. 5. Lemme just be honest here. I ate close to a full batch of brownies yesterday. No joke. I couldn't stop myself! I ate them through the night, every time I got up to feed! I am confessing because I need to feel worse about this. But back to the video.. I used 8 lb. weights cause they were the only ones I had.. it was hard! Also, I suggest that you don't do the video if you are heavily on your period like I am ( grrr) or have a chest full of milk. ouch! And you do sweat hard, so don't do it after a shower.
Ok. enough talking...
Oct. 5 2010 - 164lbs.
Yes I did just tell you my weight. Remember before you think ( fatty!), that I had 2 babies within 22 months and I LOVE to eat! I will weigh in on Monday and we will see if it starting to take an effect. Besides that brownie sin, I am TRYING to eat a whole lot better. I am trying to skip a lot of carbs and NO MORE CANDY/DESSERTS!!! But honestly, I can't go too crazy because I am still breastfeeding and NEED lots of carbs.
So there it is.
Try the video!!!
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